Hi this is Josh. Most of my accounts are listed below. I typically go by the alias The Ur-Vile or Low Pursuit. Peace.
***** Updated 1.22.23 *******
Added some new accounts, deleted some old ones
You can follow my video game activities via Exophase
A lot of these accounts I’m not very active on. Twitter, Tumblr, Discord, The Shizz, and YouTube are your best bets.
AVPGalaxy.net forums - urvile
Bandcamp - LowPursuit
Blogger - http://lowpursuit.blogspot.com
Craigslist handle - LowPursuit
Discogs.com - LowPursuit
Discord - LowPursuit#0915
Disqus (used by various sites) - @LowPursuit
Epic Games - Low Pursuit
Exophase - lowpursuit
Facebook - By request only
Fandom.com - LowPursuit
Gamefaqs.com - urvile102
Gfycat - LowPursuit
Gifyu.com - LowPursuit
Giphy - Low Pursuit (https://giphy.com/channel/LowPursuit)
GOG.com - LowPursuit
hyperspin-fe.com - LowPursuit
ICQ - 27281597
ImgFlip - SuperLowPursuit
Imgur.com - http://joshstaley102.imgur.com
Instagram - lowpursuit
itch.io - lowpursuit.itch.io
KHInsider.com - ur-vile
Last.fm - jstaley102 (Super Low Pursuit)
Medium - Low Pursuit (@LowPursuit)
Photobucket.com - urvile102
Prince.org - urvile
PSN - The_Ur-Vile
Rainwave.cc - LowPursuit
Reddit - LowPursuit
Retro Achievements - lowpursuit
Silent Hill Heaven Forums - ur-vile
Skype main - urvile102
Skype alternate - live:urvile_1
Steam - Low Pursuit
The Cutting Room Floor - LowPursuit
Theshizz.org - urvile
Tumblr - lowpursuit.tumblr.com AND pausescreens.tumblr.com
Twitch - LowPursuit (alternate) or SuperLowPursuit (main)
* @LeftTurnDanger (mostly automated to tweet online activity)
* @LowPursuit (main)
* @TheUrVile (alternate)
Ubisoft: LowPursuit
usenet - I barely post these days, but if you want to go back and read my old, old shit search for "ur-vile" (with quotes) at https://groups.google.com - I usually went by The Ur-Vile
Vaughn.live - HileTroy
Vimeo - Low Pursuit - https://vimeo.com/user55378652
Watchmojo - http://www.watchmojo.com/mywm/260290
Wikipedia - LowPursuit
Xbox - The UrVile
YouNow - HileTroy
* Low Pursuit (not really using anymore) - http://tinyurl.com/y8mru7ej
* Mister Pantz (alternate) - http://tinyurl.com/y7smbzds
* Super Low Pursuit (main) - https://www.youtube.com/user/urvile102
link to various browser games I've bookmarked
Referral codes (note that you usually need to redeem or buy something at least once for the credit to apply)
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